The Loony Adventures of Lukas and Logan and The Masked Family is a passion project that flourished with the birth of Lukas and Logan. Paula Messias, the author, felt the weight of COVID-19 in 2020 when she couldn’t be around her twin nephews without a mask. The thought of them not knowing her face because of the covering mask daunted her to the point of imagining what they were seeing and thinking when they saw the entire family around them. This book is about family and love.
The Loony Adventures is an epic adventure of two newborns navigating their way through a global pandemic and trying to find comfort in the arms of family and friends. To all the moms, dads, and family members who had the same experience during COVID-19, this book will mark this period of our lives and prove that there’s nothing more important than being around our loved ones.
The Loony Adventures of Lukas and Logan and The Masked Family is a passion project that flourished with the birth of Lukas and Logan. Paula Messias, the author, felt the weight of COVID-19 in 2020 when she couldn’t be around her twin nephews without a mask. The thought of them not knowing her face because of the covering mask daunted her to the point of imagining what they were seeing and thinking when they saw the entire family around them. This book is about family and love.
The Loony Adventures is an epic adventure of two newborns navigating their way through a global pandemic and trying to find comfort in the arms of family and friends. To all the moms, dads, and family members who had the same experience during COVID-19, this book will mark this period of our lives and prove that there’s nothing more important than being around our loved ones.
The Loony Adventures of Lukas & Logan and the Masked Family Children’s Book
The Loony Adventures of Lukas and Logan and The Masked Family is a passion project that flourished with the birth of Lukas and Logan. Paula Messias, the author, felt the weight of COVID-19 in 2020 when she couldn’t be around her twin nephews without a mask. The thought of them not knowing her face because of the covering mask daunted her to the point of imagining what they were seeing and thinking when they saw the entire family around them. This book is about family and love.
The Loony Adventures is an epic adventure of two newborns navigating their way through a global pandemic and trying to find comfort in the arms of family and friends. To all the moms, dads, and family members who had the same experience during COVID-19, this book will mark this period of our lives and prove that there’s nothing more important than being around our loved ones.
The Loony Adventures of Lukas & Logan and the Masked Family Children’s Book